GLOBOGATE recruits skilled workers in Colombia, Uzbekistan and the Philippines, ensuring their long-term employment. We facilitate successful integration by organizing group language training sessions and coordinating arrival in Germany.

GLOBOGATE in figures
nursing and healthcare companies trust us for the long term
2.1 million
nurses can be reached through our network
nurses have successfully completed our programs and are working in Germany
of our nurses stay with their employer for the long term
Few countries, significant support

Success can be verified
We ensure that every nurse is optimally prepared and seamlessly integrated through our precisely coordinated process.
- We find suitable candidates and make a pre-selection based on relevant specialist profiles.
- After online interviews, you can choose your new employees.
- Your nurse begins language training up to German level B2 for seamless integration.

Our teams operate worldwide
Expertise and commitment are the driving forces behind successful integration projects. Our employees across three continents embody both.
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