Statement of Principles on Responsible Corporate Governance

August 2024

GLOBOGATE supports employers in Germany in the recruitment and integration of international nursing professionals and international trainees. The current focus is on the countries of origin: the Philippines, Uzbekistan, and Colombia. Together with a network of international partners, we aim to enable employers to tackle the challenges of international skilled worker recruitment and labor migration while adhering to the highest ethical standards, thereby offering the recruited workers the best possible protection from the risks associated with labor migration.


GLOBOGATE is convinced that long-term successful recruitment and hiring of professionals and trainees can only be achieved based on the highest ethical standards. Therefore, GLOBOGATE’s services are shaped by the aspiration to create processes and procedures for all parties involved that are characterized by fairness and transparency, guided by the principle of equality.

GLOBOGATE recognizes that all participants in the recruitment process carry a special responsibility for the recruited nursing professionals and trainees and must always be prepared to assume this responsibility.

GLOBOGATE thus regards this Statement of Principles as binding for all employees, customers, and business partners involved in the recruitment process. With this in mind, GLOBOGATE commits itself to adhering to the following guiding principles, as postulated and continuously updated by the quality seal "Fair Recruitment of Nursing Staff Germany."

The respective current "Quality and Testing Standards" for the quality seal "Fair Recruitment of Nursing Staff Germany" apply.

Article 1: International Standards

GLOBOGATE commits to complying with all international regulations, agreements, and standards that are legally binding for the recruitment of professionals and trainees into the German labor market. These standards are considered the minimum. GLOBOGATE and all its partners and clients strive, wherever possible, to exceed these standards for the benefit of international nursing professionals and trainees.

Article 2: International Human Rights

GLOBOGATE commits to upholding international human rights based on the UN human rights Conventions and the “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”.

This commitment particularly applies to international labor rights, as codified by the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization and specified in the "ILO General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment and Definition of Recruitment Fees and Related Costs" for the recruitment of international workers.

Article 3: WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel

GLOBOGATE commits to adhering to the most current "WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel".

Bei sämtlichen Geschäftsaktivitäten berücksichtigt GLOBOGATE insbesondere die jeweils aktuell gültige „WHO Health Workforce Support and Safeguards List“.

Article 4: Binding Agreements in Writing

GLOBOGATE commits to subjecting all agreements with customers and partners in the recruitment process to a written form requirement. This is intended, on the one hand, to emphasize the binding nature of agreements and, on the other hand, to facilitate the documentation of all process steps in the procedure.

Article 5: No Costs for Nursing Professionals

GLOBOGATE commits to ensuring that the recruited professionals and trainees bear no costs related to recruitment or the requirements imposed by the destination country for immigration and work permits (Employer-Pays Principle).

Based on this commitment, GLOBOGATE ensures that, at no point during the recruitment process, will nursing professionals or trainees be required to cover placement fees or costs associated with services directly related to placement and recruitment. Throughout the entire recruitment process – from recruitment to obtaining professional authorization in Germany – no costs are charged to the nursing professionals or trainees, and no payments related to recruitment, language training, flight costs, and migration or professional recognition procedures are required. No deposit fees or similar payments are demanded (No-Fee Policy).

GLOBOGATE, along with its partners and clients, commits to the strict adherence to the Employer-Pays Principle as defined by the "Fair Recruitment of Nursing Staff Germany" quality seal across the entire service chain. This strict Employer-Pays Principle serves as the standard for interpretation.

Article 6: Limiting Financial Risk for Nursing Professionals

GLOBOGATE recognizes that the recruited nursing professionals and trainees provide valuable services, invest their time, and forgo income during the recruitment process. They do this in trust of the commitments made by the recruiting employer.

Therefore, GLOBOGATE commits to waiving any binding and repayment obligations for nursing professionals and trainees in all contracts, and to requiring employers not to use employment contracts for the recruited professionals and trainees that contain binding and repayment obligations related to the costs of placement and recruitment.

Article 7: Transparency of Processes, Costs, Structures, and Services

GLOBOGATE pursues a strict policy of maximum transparency for nursing professionals, trainees, partners, and clients. Transparency and early information about the challenges and costs of the entire recruitment process, as well as any necessary professional recognition procedures, adaptation measures, and integration initiatives, lead to long-term stable employment relationships.

Article 8: Sustainability and Participation

GLOBOGATE is based on the vision of well-trained, autonomous, and well-informed international nursing professionals. The same applies to international trainees. GLOBOGATE and its network of partners aim to provide the best possible support and guidance to international nursing professionals and trainees during their migration to Germany. The goal is successful long-term migration to Germany. It is recommended that recruiting employers develop and implement a comprehensive integration management concept for international nursing professionals and trainees. Additional measures for language support beyond the legally required level are explicitly recommended.

Article 9: Overall Responsibility

GLOBOGATE acknowledges its overall responsibility for the recruitment processes conducted by GLOBOGATE and is committed to best protecting both international nursing professionals and trainees, as well as the employers, from known risks and to minimizing identified risks whenever possible.

In this regard, GLOBOGATE strives to ensure that all business partners adhere to the standards mentioned in this Statement of Principles and works closely with them to achieve this.

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